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Hike n Fly Live Tracking - Info for organisers

easy & reliable

Hike n Fly Livetracking info video on youtube Hike n Fly Livetracking, 3 minute walkthrough for organisers


advantageState-of-the-art technology, high reliability and system stability, mobile first

advantageTrilingual: English, German and French

advantageNo additional costs and problems with unnecessary hardware trackers

advantageFlexible: Perfect support for any type of race

advantageFree of charge or unrivalled low prices

References and Showcases


View the full list of features.

Forget about enrolling athletes and the hassle of collecting payments - we do it for you.


Set up your race / training in just a few clicks. Even on your mobile.


If you want your race/training to have different categories (e.g. Men, Women, Pro, Fun, Biplace) - no problem.

Turnpoints & Task

Set the turnpoints and the task. Conveniently on a map. This also works on your mobile phone when you're on the move.

Prepare your race

In our backend you will find everything you need to prepare your event.

Manage the raceday

From check-in and disclaimer signing to the ranking announcement. Our race day module supports all processes. You can also give your helpers access to it.


Be informed of the current location of all athletes at all times. Call a person in distress or send help immediately.

Ranking list in real time

Your ranking list is always up to date, even during the race. Receive them in various formats (incl. overall, Swiss Cup, CIVIL etc.).

Showcase your race

Embed the start list (incl. athlete photos), the live tracking and the live ranking in your webpage. Share the relevant links via Messager or social media. Show the race at the home base on a big screen (big screen view).

Big screen


Free for no-cost events!

If your event is free, our service is also free for you.

Unrivalled favourable prices

For one-day events subject to a fee, we charge a service fee of 10% of the entry fee plus the PayPal transfer fee. It is even cheaper for races lasting several days: Please request a quote.

You need more information?

Just give it a try!

If you don't have an account yet, set one up. Test all functions free of charge and see for yourself.

Read the FAQ

Learn all about the Hike n Fly Livetracking System by reading the 'Frequently Asked Questions' for organisers and athletes.

Read the privacy policy or send us a message.