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Frequently asked questions

Inscription more
  • How can I sign up for a race/event?

    To sign up, you'll receive an inscription link or an event code from the race organiser. Simply provide your email address, which serves as your identifier. Fill in your personal data, and optionally, upload a photo. After completing the process, you'll receive a confirmation email containing all the necessary information.

  • Where can I see who else is starting in this race?

    Please check the organiser's website. In the registration process - right at the beginning - you will also see the link to the start/ranking list.

Prepare more
  • How does live tracking work?

    With an app on your smartphone.

  • Is there an app for Android and iOS Devices?

    Yes, the system supports both Android and iOS (iPhone, min. iOS version: 17) devices. Download the live tracking app from the Google Play Store or the the Apple App Store. Take a look at the 90-second video tutorial for the app.

  • How do I sign in in the app?

    Please enter your email and the event code. You will find the details in the email you received after enrolment.

  • I have an Android phone. Do I need to disable battery management?

    Yes. Some devices stop the app after a certain time if the battery optimisation for the app is not deactivated beforehand.

    Deactivation varies slightly depending on the device.

    For most devices, the procedure is as follows: Go to 'Settings' of the smartphone - search for 'Apps' or 'Manage apps' - search for the 'Hike n Fly Live Tracking' app - search for 'Battery' or 'Battery saver' - select 'No restrictions'.

    On other devices go first to 'Battery' or 'Battery saver', then find the app to deactivate the optimisation

    If the procedure for your device is slightly different, you will find numerous instructions on the internet to help you.

  • I have an iPhone. How do I grant location permission to the app?

    There are various ways to do this. It's best to go to your settings and scroll down (or type 'Hike' in the search field) to find the app. Click on it and set 'Location' to 'Always'.

  • Does the app drain the battery?

    The app is designed to be highly battery-efficient. However, it's recommended to bring a power bank, especially for longer races. A 10,000mAh power bank is sufficient for a one-day race.

  • Does the system need mobile data?

    Yes, mobile data must be enabled on your phone for the system to function.

  • What happens in areas with no network service (remote/rural areas)?

    Don't worry. Your track will still be recorded and will be transferred to the system as soon as you regain network connectivity.

  • Should I do a dry run before the race?

    Yes, we encourage you to perform a test, ideally a few days before the race. Record a walk and review your track on the map to ensure everything is functioning smoothly.

  • Where can I see the live tracking?

    The easiest way to view the live tracking is directly in the app after you have signed in. However, the live tracking is also accessible on any browser. The link for this is included in the confirmation email.

  • Is the live tracking in real time?

    Almost. For technical reasons there is a delay of about two minutes. Use the arrow button to see your current location without delay.

  • Where can I see the live ranking?

    Again, the easiest way to view the live ranking is directly in the app after you have signed in. However, the live ranking is also accessible on any browser. The link for this is included in the confirmation email.

  • Can I get support from the platform provider if I have problems with the app or the system?

    While we do our best to assist and help you, please understand that our resources are limited. The organiser of your race may be able to help you further. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Raceday more
  • When should I start the app and begin streaming my location data before the race?

    Please start the app at least 15 minutes before the start. Ensure that you are logged in correctly and have initiated the streaming. The app will provide you with auditory and visual feedback to confirm that everything is okay.

  • Does the app work in the background?

    Yes, the app operates in the background. Nevertheless, it's advisable to periodically wake up your phone and check if you are visible on the live tracking. It's best to use the live tracking for your orientation and plan your hikes using that map. Use the arrow-button for your real time location.

  • Can I send my fans and friends a live tracking link?

    Yes, with the share button in the app. This allows your mates to follow your position and the course of the race live.

  • When can I stop the app?

    Please stop the app after reaching the finish line and concluding the race.

After the race more
  • How long are race data available online?

    We keep the ranking data (leaderboard with all times) and the signatures for 11 months after the finish. Until then, the ranking is available online. Track data and igc-files are deleted two weeks after the finish.

  • Where can I see details about the race and the results?

    Tap / click on the name in the ranking list. This will display the details section. There you can also download the track as a kml, gpx or igc file.

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